Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A New Hope....

Did you hear that? They shut down the main reactor. We'll be destroyed for sure. This is madness.

Anyway enough of the Star Wars quotes, the election is finally over and it was very exciting to watch. Obviously I can't vote but Mrs P did and she picked the winner! Anyway we stayed up way too late on a school night waiting for the results to come in and because of this I was very nearly late for work this morning. I didn't wake up til 7:15 and have to be a work at 8.

The AC/DC Rock Band track pack is TOTALLY AWESOME! Even Raina likes it too as we played it the moment I got it and listening to a 7 year old sing Highway to Hell is one of the funniest things you'll ever hear

Oh here's more ammunition (pun intended) for gun control......Retard of the biggest order

We watched a couple of superhero films last week, Iron Man and Incredible Hulk. Iron Man is cool and we both really enjoyed it. Incredible Hulk is as bad as the first move...pretty dire and we both struggled to maintain any interest in it. The best bit being right at the end when Robert Downey Jr turms up. My advice is to stick to the TV series, its infinitely better.