Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Never Say Never Again

Went to see the new Bond film, Quantum of Solace on Friday and was HUGELY disappointed. As an action film it's ok but as a Bond film it's very poor (think Never Say Never Again poor). Now I like Daniel Craig as 007 and really enjoyed Casino Royale, but in this film it was just guns and fist fights. JB is much cleverer than that and gets the better of the bad guys by outsmarting them, not so in this film. I totally blame the director for mucking this film up, I mean who puts the classic Bond intro where he's walking against the white backgrand before turning and shooting at the very end of the fim, just before credits??? Oh and NOT once does he say " The name's Bond, James Bond". Avoid at all costs.

Spent most of the weekend building a blanket chest to store my Rockband peripherals in. Trouble is I made it a bit big (although Mrs P said it was fine) and it takes up too much room. So tonight I cut just under 7 inches off it. I'll finish it tomorrow as the kids are in bed and don't think they'd appreciate me using my circular saw.