Sunday, November 30, 2008

Let's off road....

I need a bigger car, even with the cargo hitch we only just about had enough room for the trip. But it does make the car look even more "macho"....grrrr you can almost see the testosterone! Also I think I've found the solution to the engine pinking when under load and at full throttle. I now run it on premium gas (as recommended in the manual) and it appears to have gone away. Being a tight wad I was trying to get away with 89 octane gas as it's cheaper but it really does need the full fat stuff.

We arrived at the campsite after the last ferry (we were told the day before that they ran til 6:30pm but got a call from our friends saying that the guy was finishing at 6!) Luckily these friends had their boat so we managed to get across to the island campsite without any problems. Putting a tent up in the dark is not easy especially trying to see what you're doing with a Walmart cheapy torch/lantern combo. Still I got it up and it was still standing at 7:30 the next morning. Boy was it a cold night, a duvet and 2 blankets wasn't enough and I had to sleep with a hat and 2 t-shirts

Thursday was a fantastic day as you can see the from the view across the river. It warmed up too during the day but it was SO buggy at the campsite that I had to cover up from head to toe. The whole island had recently been underwater 2 feet of water and they had to shut the campsite for 10 weeks. You could see the water lines on the trees even though the campsite was a 10 minute walk from the dock.

Here are the happy campers ready for a spot of fishing, we didn't land anything but you should have seen the ones that got away...

Thanksgiving dinner was prepared over the camp fire and the menu was turkey, stuffing, mash potatoes, sweet potatoes, green beans and cranberry sauce. This was followed by pumpkin pie and washed down with red wine. How very civilised