The Lighthouse Festival was fun yesterday and Mrs P came first in her age group in the 5k run in a little over 24 mins. She collected her medal and then went on to run in the family 1k run with the kids. They all finished and got ribbons of excellence too.
The Flying Mrs P
Raina finishing
and if you're wondering about me, someone had to take the pictures!
Irrigation System
Further investigation has revealed that it's a shallow well pump but hasn't been used for at least 10 years. I've found a make and model number and have located a source for a rebuild kit but not ordered it yet. Worryingly the fuse has been pulled from the supply box and although the fuse holder is there no fuse is present. Mrs P suggests just buying one and turning it on, afterall what's the worst that can happen? Thing is she won't have to fix it. We opened up the timer/control box today and half a dozen cockroaches came scurrying out. Those things creep the hell out of me.