Monday, March 31, 2008
She did it again
The strong winds and the grey skies meant that the volleyball didn't quite live up to its billing and so we didn't stay there very long. Trying to eat pizza slices when the wind is whipping up isn't great, pepperoni and sand anyone?
Friday, March 28, 2008
Ahh how cute....til they open the trashcans
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Work, Rest and Play
There's another free movie showing outdoors at the 80's classic starring Tom Hanks in Big. I think Superman is appearing in a couple of weeks too. Other plans for the weekend are the Beach Blast on Sunday, Mrs P is running the 5km race while I keep an eye on the kids and the beach volley is and Olympic sport don't you know???
Monday, March 24, 2008
The Easter Bunny has left the building
We all spent the day at Grammy's house with some relatives down from Chi-carrrr-go and a lot of eating and drinking was done. The kids mainly ate sugar all day in one form or another and when the "crash" happened it wasn't that pleasant but Mrs P said "it is a holiday and only happens once a year". That probably explains her hangover this morning too....
Mrs P enjoying the first of (too) many
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
A man troubled
To answer my own question I propose that unless you're an Olympic swimmer (and you're actually competing at the time) Speedo's should be banned.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Beach Life...
Just got back from dinner at the Beachcomber and as the name suggest it's a restaurant right on the beach. It was lovely sitting outside watching the sun set and I recommend the fried flounder platter when you next visit.
I applied for another job today and have another application in the pipeline. Grammy knows someone who works in the same department and is going to call them tomorrow to get the inside track.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Raina doesn't want to..
The Lighthouse Festival was fun yesterday and Mrs P came first in her age group in the 5k run in a little over 24 mins. She collected her medal and then went on to run in the family 1k run with the kids. They all finished and got ribbons of excellence too.
The Flying Mrs P
Raina finishing
and if you're wondering about me, someone had to take the pictures!
Irrigation System
Further investigation has revealed that it's a shallow well pump but hasn't been used for at least 10 years. I've found a make and model number and have located a source for a rebuild kit but not ordered it yet. Worryingly the fuse has been pulled from the supply box and although the fuse holder is there no fuse is present. Mrs P suggests just buying one and turning it on, afterall what's the worst that can happen? Thing is she won't have to fix it. We opened up the timer/control box today and half a dozen cockroaches came scurrying out. Those things creep the hell out of me.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Condition unknown
The house painting has been coming along so well that I'm already looking for my next project. I think I'm ready to tackle the irrigation system but I'm going to need the internet to help me on this one.
As you can see the first thing I need to do is gain some proper access to the pump house and repair the nasty roof. Inside most of the structure has rotted away so i'll do some reconstruction in there too.
I know there are 2 zones one for the front yard and one for the back but most of the sprinkler heads are buried. This is one of the few that are visible.
The pump itself together with a load of trash that's accumulated.
This label on the motor is all I've got to go on for now, Mrs P doesn't know when it was last used or even if it ever worked. I guess I could just turn it on (if I can work out how) and see what happens. I just don't like the thought of electricity and water under pressure coming together. I guess I need to isolate the water and electricity supplies and work on them independently. It doesn't look like there's stop cock for the water supply so I wonder where that is then?
Oh Carol!
Also this weekend there's the Lighthouse Festival and the Rhythm 'n' Ribs festival. Mrs P is keen on the Lighthouse one as there's lots to do for the kids and its only a couple of miles away. She'll also be competing in the Michelob Ultra 5K Run. As for Rhythm 'n' Ribs I'd expect to hear plenty of this...enjoy!
And if you're wondering about the title of this entry its Neil Sedaka's birthday today.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Covering my ass
For example, if you cause a serious accident where damages exceed your limits, you will be held responsible for the amount above your limits. To make that payment, you could be forced to liquidate property, savings and other assets, or your future earnings could be attached.
Anyway bizarrely enough the premium came out at slightly less my Mrs P's and she got a Subaru Forester.
On top of that it was my turn to cook dinner tonight and I produced a magnificent dish of tilapia with sour cream and dill, sauteed asparagus and jasmine rice.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Freaky Vegetables
Mrs P cooked a delicious dinner tonight, a lemon and herb chicken, with pinenut cous-cous and acorn squash. It was my turn to cook last night and we had Quiznos (think Subway). Acorn squash is just the best and has a sweet and nutty flavour. I'd never heard of it before but if you can get them, try them roasted. They are about the same size as a coconut.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Summer is here
I went to Daytona on Saturday with Kate and I guess Friday's torrential rain and Saturday's chilly weather kept the best customs away. Don't get me wrong it was massively busy but they mostly seemed to be standard Harley's and Jap sports bikes rather than the outrageous choppers and custom jobs that I prefer. Having said that I there are a couple of pics of some of the better ones
We tried to get into Boot Hill Saloon Bar (yes there is such a place and its even opposite the cemetary) to see and AC/DC covers band but if was jam packed. So we had to content ourselves with a couple of bands that were playing in the various outdoor stages. Despite the cold weather (and it was below 50F) the beer girls were in good form too. You gotta love cold beer served to you by a semi naked woman.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
The Running Woman
I've been doing my bit and have been up since 7:15 and have already top-coated some more of the house. Whoppee Doo!
UPDATE: Mrs P crossed the line in 1:18:52 with an average pace of 8:29 minutes per mile. That's very impressive! Well done
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Head out on the Highway
This week it's Bike Week in Daytona and Kate and I are hoping to get down there over the weekend and check it out. If it's as good as last year it will be a lot of fun. The place here is swarming with Harleys of all shapes, colours, sizes and noise levels. I'd love to get one but Mrs P has her own ideas on that matter and she's made that pretty clear to me.
Other events that are coming up include the 5th Annual Flagler College Beach Blast Off just a few blocks from the house. This event promises "a 5K Beach Run, a 2 on 2 team surf contest and a 4-on-4 co-ed volleyball tournament". Mrs P will probably do the run so I'll just do some spectating.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Inteview overload
Well I swapped out the high level brake light with 2 new lamps and ALL the lights are now working. However when I turn on the headlights the console reports that there is still a rear light failure. Google (the best friend you can have in these situations) reports that "the ground most commonly loses its contact due to fatigue cracking" in the tail lights so i guess i need to take these apart tomorrow and check it out.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
1 year on
This morning was spent painting the window frames, I prepped and primed them yesterday and today I gave them a second undercoat. No nasty oil based paints for me its all latex based here. Seems really odd painting with something that smells like Copydex though.
This afternoon we're off for a family meal at Grammy's house and I've just learnt that its meatloaf and/or chicken with dumplings. You got to love that Southern food.