Saturday, May 31, 2008

What weekends are for

Gorgeous day today, so we went surfing this morning before the beach got too busy. It was pretty calm with the occasional good wave as long as you were patient. I caught my first real one and actually managed to get to my feet. Normally I'm not quick enough and I don't get past kneeling before falling off. Mrs P's brother was down from Jacksonville too and he was out on the ocean in his kayak. Grammy and Walter came down too so it was a big family beach morning. It was a lot of fun for sure.

This afternoon I had to replace the rear brake pads on the Beast as I could seem some uneven wear on the rotors. Easy enough job and took less than an hour. I've also replaced the bug screen on one of the house windows as it was torn by an opossum while we were away camping.

Mrs P has gone out with her girl friends to the cinema this evening to watch Sex and the City. Guess that's a couple of hours of her life that she'll never get back.

Tomorrow I'm off to Gander Mountain, the hunting, fishing, camping, shooting and scuba store. This place is redneck heaven with more
Mossy Oak that you can shake the proverbial stick at, assuming that is, you could find it. Anyway they have a sale on scuba gear at the moment with 30% off their already low prices. I'm also hoping that I can pick up a cargo hauler that fits on the tow hitch just like the one in the pic below. Sometimes the Beast just isn't big enough!!!
Anyway came across this amazing thing while looking for the cargo hauler online. At $300 its not cheap but its one of the coolest gadgets I think I've ever seen.