Monday, May 5, 2008

Ramble on

Sunday was a busy day all round. I finished off making the framework for a new workbench and just need to get some plywood to put a top and shelf on it. After this we all went to the beach for a couple of hours and met up with some friends.

Mrs P wants to go camping as soon as possible and is really keen to go this weekend, so I insisted that we try and put the tent up first in the privacy of our back yard so as not to look like complete noobs. This was a great idea only flawed in its execution as the tent is bigger than the yard so we didn't manage to get it fully erected. But all the parts are there and we think we now know what we're doing.

Last night we all dined on snowcrab legs. The grocery store had an offer and they were reduced to $5/lb so we helped ourselves to 3 lbs. We do need to get some proper crab/lobster crackers though as using my pliers isn't the best or most hygenic solution!

Yesterday evening was spent trying to sort out the HR paperwork from the new job. Trying to wade through the information on health insurance policies is just a nightmare! Add on to that trying to work out how much tax they need to withhold so that I don't end up with a hefty tax bill at the end of the year is just a headache. Mrs P's take is to withhold more so you get a bigger rebate but most of it is guess work. Still I get paid on Thursday so it's happy days all round