Thursday, October 2, 2008

My life in one update

Apologies for not writing sooner but it's been a busy time recently. A couple of weekends ago was a bit of a washout for me. After the 'closed' period at work was over, an invitation went round for Friday evening drinks at Panama Hatties. It's just round the corner from here so I thought why not pop along. I thought I'd have a couple of beers with my colleagues and be home by 7....silly me, I ended up rolling home about 10pm having not eaten any dinner. Woke up the next morning at 5am and felt DREADFUL all day. Somehow, I even managed to drag my hungover butt to a friend's daughter's 7th birthday party.

I've been working hard on my bike doing the mundane job of sanding and prepping the frame and forks. They were much worse than I initially thought with many, many pin holes in the paint that had rusted underneath. Finally, after much sandpaper I've got it sorted and have given it a couple of coats of primer. I've managed to find a website that sells the bearings and Walmart sells a universal brake and gear cable kit which means that I should be able to put on a set of cruiser style handle bars.

Tuesday was our first wedding anniversary, yes it's come round very quickly. The kids went to Grammy's house while Mrs P and I went out to dinner. She really want rack of lamb so we headed off to 95 Cordova, a very good but expensive restaurant. I had "surf and turf", actually it was fillet mignon with crab and shrimp in a lobster sauce. Bizarrely enough Mrs P and I bought each other the same present!

Yesterday we had an appointment for the 20 ultrasound scan at the hospital and it was the first one I'd been too. Anyway baby is doing fine and doctor says that it's perfect. Pics below

Mrs P is once again away for a couple of days this weeks so its just me and the cat at home. Tonight we have the excitement of the Vice-presidential debate to look forward to.

I've booked the Beast into the garage next week to get the intake gasket sorted. When I first got the car the engine purred when you started it, now it sounds like a bag of spanners! They're also going to fit a new water pump while they're at it and replace a load of the pipework. Hopefully it'll be like a new car when I get it back and I'll be able to put my foot down 'good and proper' as I've been nursing it for a couple of weeks now.