Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Guns, Coke and South East Asia

Here's an argument for the 2nd Amendment... http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/7694560.stm. I mean why not? Shouldn't an 8 year old have the right to shoot an Uzi? And if you've not heard Sarah Palin is a fully paid up member of the NRA, figures I guess.

Good news gas prices are down to acceptable levels with regular under $2.50 a gallon and premium at $2.70. That means I can treat the Beast to the full strength juice it so richly deserves, think of it as the difference between Diet and normal Coke.

Mrs P's brother got married today in a quiet family ceremony, they plan to have a larger celebration next year. To celebrate we went to vietnamese restaurant called P.K. Noodles The P.K. stands for Pho King, which made me chuckle in a naughty schoolboy fashion.

In other news it has been damn cold today with temperatures last night dipping to 47F (that's about 7C in old money). My new fangled indoor/outdoor weather station keeps me in constant update with the goings on. Still its supposed to warm up again by the weekend and back into the mid 70s