Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The American Dream???

Time for some a simple equation....

Ride this

Plus workout with these
And get your mitts on this
That's the American Dream that Biketoberfest sells you. The reality though, is completely different and I've never seen so much leather, that many tattoos nor that much facial hair in one place. If you've not guessed this past weekend was indeed Biketoberfest08 and Kate and I headed down to Daytona last Friday night. It was a great evening with plenty of fantastic bikes on show, unfortunately the battery on camera died so I didn't get many photos. Here a a few of the ones I did get....

I'll take her word for it

Beer was $4 a can but a cheery disposition from the serving wench takes the pain away.

If I can get any more pics off my camera I'll post them later.

In other news I've had my hair cut short again as I couldn't get the mop top to work properly. Here's the last picture of me with the curly locks. It took me about a year to get it to that length and it was totally unmanageable.

It's my birthday this Friday and I get the day off work. Not sure what I'm going to do to amuse myself but I hope to get some much needed work done on my bike.