Saturday, June 21, 2008

HiDef here we come

We're off to the store this afternoon to buy a new HDTV so that we can experience the PS3 in all it's HiDef glory. Obviously I've spent hours on the internet researching the best TV and recommended size four our viewing distance should be around 62". Trouble is they hit the wallet hard, very hard and I'm not sure I want a TV with a 5 foot screen (that's nearly the size of a door!!!) so we'll opt for a more sensible budget and either get a 32" or 37".

Other plans for the weekend is that Mrs P is competing in another triathlon tomorrow so we'll go along and watch her.

We finally had to breakdown this week and put the AC on in the house. Mrs P and I could cope but with the kids now being out of school they started to get very cranky in the heat. I mean the other night Mrs P and I went to bed at midnight and the temp inside the house was a mere 86F (that's 30C for those who prefer the metric system).