Monday, June 30, 2008

Competitive dad....

Raina had her second meet for swim team on Saturday and she won her heat of the 25 yard freestyle. I must admit that it get's a bit Competitive Dad with all the parents a whoopin' and a hollerin' but its fun to watch. You should see the under 6's doing the's a complete thrashfest and very, very funny. But hey at least they try and I'm sure they can do it better than me.

I'm supposed to have a 4 day week this week as we've got friday off for Independence Day, however an email went round at work inviting us all to lunch on Thursday to celebrate the bosses re-election to office and so we'll get an extra 1/2 day off too.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Storm clouds brewing

OMG PS3 in HD is AWESOME. I bought a copy of Assassin's Creed 2nd hand off Amazon and it turned up the same day that we bought the new TV. In the end we went for the 37" one and I have to say I'm glad we did. Trouble is it makes the standard crappy NTSC picture look even more 3rd world, so I'm now investigating digital cable as an option.

Other local news, some Redneck has been taking potshots at petrol tankers as they drive along the Interstate! They hit one the other day and the driver had to get out and apparently put his finger in the hole until the police arrived. Not quite sure what the sniper is hoping to achieve but tankers don't explode when shot with a bullet like they do in the movies!

Work is going well, I've been writing some super funky SQL code and I'm currently refactoring one that our software supplier has written. Their process takes about an hour to run, mine currently takes 30 seconds. I'll admit I'm only 80% done but I still reckon I can whip their time.

Weather here is hot and stormy, with temps up in the 90s everyday but also massive thunderstorms.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

HiDef here we come

We're off to the store this afternoon to buy a new HDTV so that we can experience the PS3 in all it's HiDef glory. Obviously I've spent hours on the internet researching the best TV and recommended size four our viewing distance should be around 62". Trouble is they hit the wallet hard, very hard and I'm not sure I want a TV with a 5 foot screen (that's nearly the size of a door!!!) so we'll opt for a more sensible budget and either get a 32" or 37".

Other plans for the weekend is that Mrs P is competing in another triathlon tomorrow so we'll go along and watch her.

We finally had to breakdown this week and put the AC on in the house. Mrs P and I could cope but with the kids now being out of school they started to get very cranky in the heat. I mean the other night Mrs P and I went to bed at midnight and the temp inside the house was a mere 86F (that's 30C for those who prefer the metric system).

Monday, June 16, 2008

Wow oh wow

Had my very first Father's day yesterday and I was spoiled rotten. I am now the proud (should that be grinning) owner of a Playstation 3! Yes that's right, my present from the girls was a PS3. It was totally unexpected and way over the top but I'm pleased as punch. We went and bought Rockband and spent the rest of the afternoon perfecting Bon Jovi's Wanted: Dead or Alive.


Eddie van Halen??
The next Keith Moon?

Friday, June 13, 2008

This sucks...literally

Just been to look at a house that's up for sale, Kate did the honours and showed us around. It's a great house at a bargain price as it's being 'short sold'. It's 4 bed, 3.5 bath with a double garage and the best feature is central vacuuming. I'd never heard of it before but in each room there is a socket that you just plug a vacuum hose into and it all get's sucked down into a bin in the garage! How cool (and very American) is that, no more lugging the hoover around the place. It's also got surround sound in all the rooms and even out on the back deck!

Mrs P has her second triathlon tomorrow up in Ponte Vedra, while Raina has her first swim meet for swim team there too. Mrs P is leaving at stupid o'clock as her race starts super early but I'll be going up to watch Raina later.

Not sure what I'll be up to the rest of the weekend, think my next project will be a reworking of the walk-in closet in the bedroom. I've got a sort of plan in my head, just not sure how I'm going to execute it. I'll take a trip to the Home Depot and see what jumps out at me.

Couldn't resist this adding this Dilbert!

Monday, June 9, 2008

...a nugget of purest Green

I hold here, in my mortal hand, a nugget of purest Green! Finally my Legal Permanent Resident card aka Green Card has arrived.

The weekend was once again very busy. Friday evening we went to see the Chinese Golden Dragon Acrobats put on an amazing show. The balanced, juggled, climbed, jumped, threw and lifted just about everything and hardly made any mistakes. It was a lot of fun and the kids sat there in complete awe as they performed.

Mrs P had another 5km race on Saturday morning and she finished second in her age group and was the 8th woman to finish too. She also knocked a couple of minutes off her previous time and completed it in 22m 08s. Afterwards there was a 1km fun run and the kids wanted to do it so I was "volunteered" to take part to look after Sofie, while Mrs P did her best to keep up with Raina. Sofie was amazing and ran about 80-90% of the 1km, the rest she walked, never stopping once. Never saw Raina for dust as she was off from the gun, but Mrs P said she was very fast and finished in the first 10.

Saturday Evening we went to a "send off" party for Grammy and one of her friends. They left today on a 6 week road trip across the southern half of the USA, taking in the Grand Canyon, Texas and a whole host of other places.

Sunday we went to graduation party for a friend of the family. He's off to University of Pennsylvania, the fifth ranked University in the US, only behind behind Princeton, Harvard, and Yale! That's some feat and I'm sure he'll do very well there.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Cool as a cucumber

Well the internet has done me proud and I've fixed the AC without resorting to taking the whole car apart. A 1/4" drill bit, a coat hanger and a small rubber grommet and the Beast is back in business. When started poking around with the coat hanger I got over a cup of water drained on the inside and at least that through the overflow proper. It certainly was blocked up and in need of a good rodding. I'll keep an eye on the rubber stopper I've put in place and it was tough to get it in. If it leaks I'll break out some bath sealant for the complete bodge job look.

Had to be at work early this morning to move some databases around. Unbelievably I get time and half off in lieu for this....I can't remember the last time I got something for next to nothing. I'm used to the company taking what it can for nothing. Happy days.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Storms and floods predicted....

I couldn't believe my ears tonight when I heard this on a radio ad today "Apart from Marvin Gaye, Father's day is great time to spend together with guns..." couldn't make it up!

The Beast has a problem and once again its the A/C. This time the overflow drain is clogged, causing the water collected during the cooling to now empty in to the car rather than underneath it. The rear passenger footwell is more like a foot spa at the moment. The official fix involves removing the entire dashboard in order to get to the part and clean it out. The Internet has another solution that involves drilling direclty behind the overflow and then using a coat hanger to unblock it. I'll be trying this on Weds as I can't wait til the weekend as I can't use the A/C at the moment without fear of drowning. That reminds me that Hurricane season officially started on June 1 and lasts from now until November 30.

Good job I managed to pick up a wetsuit yesterday for the princely sum of $31. It's a little on the snug side and leaves little to the imagination so I'll have to keep off the pies.