Monday, February 15, 2010


It's been a super busy start to the year with what seems like two birthday parties every week. Not sure what they add to the water in April and May each year but there sure are a lot of babies born in January and February!

It was Charlotte's birthday too on 10th Feb and as you can see below she's got the taste for buttercream icing already. In other exciting news she's now walking! It took her 2 weeks to go from taking a single step to being able to walk around the house carrying stuff. Amazing to watch!

Not much has been done on the house, I've managed to decorate the guest room and put up 2 sets of blinds. We've done a bit of yard work as Mrs P got a "bee in her bonnet" about the front yard and ended up with me digging out a bush that has become a tree.
The cash resulting from the sale of my house in England has finally arrived here and we're now working out how to spend it. Mrs P wants a new car and is thinking of either a Honda Pilot or Toyota Highlander. I'm looking for either a Ford Expedition or the slightly larger Chevy Suburban, both of these cars run to 18 ft long.
Anyone got James Cameron's address? I need to write to him and ask for my money back. Mrs P and I went to see Avatar 3D yesterday and that's my first and last 3D movie I'll be watching. My eyes were hurting after 3o minutes or so and even if you take the special glasses off there's no relief as the film's all blurry. As for the movie itself I don't see what the hype was all about. It's not a great film by any stretch of the imagination.