Sunday, August 16, 2009

Construction day 2

Busy busy day again and after another 10 hour day it's still not finished. It's not totally my fault and there are 2 very good reasons why progress was slower than expected. Firstly the rock wall didn't come with any instructions on how to install it. The company's website offered little help although they did have instructions for a different model of rock wall and this require a supporting frame. I didn't have the lumber to make this so I had to make a trip to Home Depot to get more supplies.

Secondly and more importantly SNAKES. Mrs P came out to look at my progress and saw a snake in the grass at the marsh edge. We watched it slither along and it was a harmless Southern Black Racer. All of a sudden another snake shot out from the water's edge and the two fought it out. There was a ton of thrashing around but the Southern Black Racer stood no chance against the viscious and VENOMOUS cottonmouth. We watched as this snake started to eat the other one whole. All this took place about 10 ft from where I was working and trust me I'm no fan of snakes in general but venomous ones are just a big fat NO. The kinda slowed me down as I was on the constant look out for more hissing Sids.

Anyway I didn't get time to put the wood roof on so the coloured tarp was installed instead, I still need to stake the whole thing to the ground, stake the bottom of the slide and drill and install the swing chair for Charlotte.