Wednesday, July 29, 2009

It never strikes twice

The weather pattern for the past few days has been blistering hot sunshine in the mornings and early afternoons, followed by heavy thunderstorms in the late afternoon and early evening. Today it poured down (and I mean the heavens opened) bang on 4:30 i.e. knocking off time. I got completely soaked in the 100 yard dash to my car.

On the way home there was thunder and lightning going on and as I stopped at a set of traffic lights I saw a lightning bolt strike a power transformer on a telegraph pole not 50 yards from me. And yes, just like in the films, there was a big puff of smoke, plenty of sparks and then it caught fire!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Lost the will to live

Took a day's vacation yesterday and Mrs P, Baby C and I went to Orlando. The purpose was twofold, first to get her engagement fixed at the jewelers as she had lost a diamond. Secondly a visit to the new Ikea store. Mrs P is an Ikea virgin and was overawed at everything. We spent about 4 hours in the store and by hour 3 I had lost the will to live. Mrs P was asking my opinion on things and I was unable to utter anything except a non-committal grunt. I should have grunted louder as we managed to spend $1000 on stuff.

Today has been a day of flat pack assembly and 3 bar stools and an end table later everything has gone together ok. Let's hope the 2 bookcases are equally easy.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Brake in the weather

Less than an hour after I finished replacing the brake rotors and pads, a massive thunderstorm has rolled through town. I had sweat pouring off me while I was doing the work and now it's black as night outside.

The brake job was no problem and picked up all the parts for $130 but I had to order a new sway bar link bolt from the stealership and it won't be in until Thursday. In the mean time I went to the local hardware store and grabbed an M12 bolt, a couple of washers and a nut so that I could get the Beast on the road. Only one other problem to note; as I removed the drivers side inner brake pad from the caliper I noticed that the piston has a chip in the rim. As I picked at it a piece of the piston came away. Luckily it didn't extend into the caliper itself so it shouldn't leak but it looks like metal fatigue so I'll order a new caliper as a precaution. I certainly don't want to have to stop suddenly and have the piston crumble.

On a different note Mrs P is back running and entered the Bridge of Lions 5k this morning. Start time was 0730 so we all went along and I took the 3 girls and waited at the finish line. Mrs P came home in 25 minutes and was 4th in her age group. Not bad for someone who had a baby 5 months ago. Well done Mrs P

Friday, July 17, 2009

Shake, Rattle and ROLL

The Beast is in trouble. We all went out tonight for dinner to The Prince of Wales pub and on the way there the brakes starting grinding. We ate an excellent dinner of fish and chips followed by chocolate sponge pudding and Bird's custard and we got home and I checked under the car. I was trying to see which side the pads had worn out but while I was under there I noticed that the bolt holding the passenger side sway bar link had sheared off. I had heard a couple of noises when turning sharply to the right a couple of times recently and thought my CV joint was on it's way out. Now I guess I know what the sound was and also explains the body roll I've been aware of recently.

Decorating is on hold tomorrow while I go to the auto store and get new pads, rotors and try and find a new bolt. It's supposed to be 88F tomorrow but with the humidity it will feel like 98F apparently. That should be fun then.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Changing Rooms...

From this....

To this!

We the kids happy? You betcha

Sunday, July 12, 2009

'Genial' Harry Grout

This weekend Mrs P set me to work on one of the upstairs bathrooms which is now to be known as the Girls' bathroom. First job yesterday was to regrout the tiling around the bath/shower. Mind numbingly tedious that's the only phrase to describe the job of removing the old grout. Thankfully the tedium was removed by a trip to HomeDepot to get some new grout, only to "drop" $600 on new locks and door handles as well. I wish this was all but we still need another 10 handles for the remaining doors.

Today's work was to paint the remaining walls in a pink that resembles Pepto Bismol, rehanging the mirror, constructing a flat pack bathroom cabinet and installing the 12 new locks and door handles.

The kids arrived back today having spent the past 10 days in North Carolina with Grammy. It's good to have them back and they LOVE their new bedroom and bathroom. Pics to follow soon, I did take some before they got home and messed it all up.