Sunday, June 14, 2009

High drama

Here are a few before shots of the kitchen and living areas, unfortunately my camera doesn't capture just how dirty and marked the walls and carpets are. The "highlight" of the day was figuring out how I was going to paint a double height entry way, I measured from floor to ceiling and it's 19 foot. I went to the rental store and came away with 3 sections of scaffolding and one walk board all for $85 for the week. A simple solution to a simple problem....

Here's the scaffolding tower, it only just fit in the entrance area. Yes I did clean the windows while I was up there.

I know how Michael Angelo must have felt now while he painted the Sistene Chapel. Why I didn't rent 2 walkboards I'll never know and I managed to drop my cell phone from the top onto the tile floor below. It bounced and seemed to work ok, not sure I'd fare as well if I took a tumble. And yes that walkboard is on the very top rung and no there aren't any safety or handrails. The Victorians were right....send the kids to do the dirty and dangerous work.

Mrs P wants a new lamp to hang in place of this one. She'd best hurry up and get one 'cos I've only got the scaffolding for a few more days and I'm not sure how long my nerve will hold out!