Saturday, December 20, 2008

No smoke without fire

The Beast is temporarily 'dead' as I wait for a new part. Wednesday night on the way home from work it nearly caught fire when the electric cooling fan seized. Luckily I noticed smoke coming from the radiator and a strong burning smell just as I pulled into the driveway at home. I opened the hood and smoke poured out along with the horrid acrid smell of burning plastic. I dumped a watering can over it to cool it down before any flames started. The new part is dealer only as it's unique to this model car (and beacuse they didn't make many of this model there are no aftermarket parts) and costs a lovely $700 for a new one. They are on back order but they expect to be able to get me one within a week. Til then the Beast will remain sat in the front yard. I took the old one out this morning and I could hardly turn it by hand.

We almost bought a new house this week when we put in an offer on a 4 bedroom house that was foreclosed on. Mrs P scrambled round to get us a mortgage offer and we submitted this to the seller but they chose another buyer who had a cash offer. Mrs P is distraught but there will be others.