Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Hot air

The Beast is still in the garage, apparently there are 2 problems. The fan doesn't come on to cool the A/C condenser which explains why it only works in short bursts. If you're bombing down the highway then there's enough airflow to cool the condenser and the A/C works. However when you're stuck in traffic (and when you need A/C the most) then the condenser overheats and shuts the compressor off. Its most likely an electrical relay or temp sensor that's gone faulty. The second problem is that there's an engine coolant leak from somewhere. I couldn't quite determine where from the conversation on the phone...

Sofie said that I needed to get the music fixed too...I mean what's wrong with AC/DC?? What is wrong with the 3 year olds of the world today??

Today I've got to book a couple of nights away somewhere for next week. Mrs P is taking some much overdue time off work and the kids are on Spring Break. It's also Mrs P's birthday and as yet I've not got her any presents.

With just over a week and a half til I start work I also need to get myself ready for that. I guess I ought to get a hair cut too as my last one was back in September. At the moment its like a cross between an 80's George Michael, an 80's Jason Donovan and and 'Achey breaky heart' Billy Ray Cyrus! Its not a look that I've gone for intentionally I can assure you.