Monday, April 28, 2008

First day on the job

Well it was back to business as usual this morning as it was my first day at work for some 9 1/2 months..ouch that hurts! Last night I even cleaned my shoes once I had brushed off the dust that had settled on them from being in the back of the closet.

My head was thumping by midday with all the new names and faces I'd been introduced to, but the afternoon was easier as I acutally managed to get my hands dirty by cutting some code.

For those with an afinity to such things I have my own office, my own parking space and I work on a spanking new quad core computer and 2 lovely 19" flat panel screens.

I got home from work at 5:05pm and Mrs P had been to the grocery store and we dined on the 'fattest' steak you've ever seen. This bit of 'bully' was at least 2 inches thick. Maybe she'll surprise me tomorrow by having done the laundry too....