Monday, February 16, 2009

Breaking the Law

Not us you'll understand, someone else. While Baby C was arriving in to this world, our other world of trying to buy a house was falling apart. We found out that our buyer has accepted a second higher offer on the house that we're we under contract to buy. Because it's a short sale the final decision has to go to the lender to agree and both offers have been submitted.

We're furious at this as our contract with the the seller stated that he wouldn't submit other offers to the lender and would no longer continue to market the property. He's now claiming that he couldn't read the line but as he's signed it any way that doesn't count. The listing agent is a BITCH and denies doing anything wrong, but as she's representing the seller and conveniently the other buyer she would get to keep the entire commission if she sells it to her buyer rather than half of it if she sells to us. Any how glad it's the most litigious country in the world as we're about to unleash the hounds of the legal system in their direction.