Saturday, November 28, 2009

Turkey soup for the soul

Thanksgiving has come and gone which is more than can be said of the turkey. It's still hanging around and it's been non stop turkey sandwiches, turkey soup and turkey pot pie ever since. It was a 20lb bird so it's going to take some eating. Here it is in it's uncooked state just before it went in the oven.

Here we all are ready to tuck into the assembled feast, and yes we are dining al fresco at 4:30 in the afternoon!

Even baby enjoyed her first Thanksgiving. In just seconds the Magic Bullet turns a home cooked meal in to a 'delicious' slurry fit for a baby

With Thanksgiving over it's now on to the next holiday which is just around the corner. Yes it's Christmas so now it is time to light up the house. Here's a tip for you, buy NEW lights and don't borrow someone else's lights as the time taken to track down the blown or loose lamps can never be got back! Took me most of the day to put up 8 strings of lights and I've still got to get more for the second floor roof line. Mrs P wants the dormer windows done too but I've many, many excuses lined up to ensure I win that argument.

As promised here's a photo of Mrs P from Halloween. I have now discovered Wonder Woman's Achille's Heel...alcohol. It reduces her to a stumbling mess and takes her a whole day in bed to recover!

Saturday, November 7, 2009


AC/DC ROCKED and even Mrs P enjoyed it. One thing that I've never understood though is the need to wear other band's T-shirts to a gig. There were people wearing T-shirts with Pink Floyd, Nirvana, Panterra and even Foreigner ! I mean who wears a Foreigner T-shirt? and to an AC/DC concert???

Halloween was a lot of fun and costumes worked out well (pics to follow). Charlotte didn't have such a great time as she was scared of both me and Mrs P when in our costumes and burst out crying uncontrollably. The big kids got tons of candy and Mrs P has been doing her best to limit the amount they eat by scoffing it after they've gone to bed.

I've accepted an offer on my house and I'm hoping to close by the end of the year. As Robert Redford says at the end of my favorite film "You're right Henry. It's not enough.'s close!"

We also watched the pilot for the remake of V. I was never a fan of the original but Mrs P was. Not sure I'll watch the series but I'm sure Mrs P will give it a chance.