Sunday, October 25, 2009

For those about to Rock....

Guess where we're going on Friday??? Not got it?

Here's a clue...

That's right,Mrs P bought me tickets for my birthday to the AC/DC gig in Jacksonville, to say I'm excited is an understatement.

Also just around the corner is Halloween and this year we're doing a theme across the whole family. We're all going as Superheroes! I plumped for Wolverine and I spent the better part of yesterday crafting a 2 sets of claws from a length of 7/8" broom handle and some 1 1/2" x 1/4" trim. They look the business now that I've sprayed them silver. My next part of the ensemble is to somehow shape an Elvis wig in to the correct hair style. Pictures will follow but not until I've got the whole outfit sorted.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Don't blame me...

if you spit your coffee everywhere when you see this. I'm not paying for your new keyboard and've been warned

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Caught a blighty one

Well we did it! Mrs P and I successfully managed to get 3 kids across the Atlantic and back again safely. We all had a great time visiting the former colonial masters, although we didn't get to do half the things we had hoped to. Apologies to those people that I didn't get to meet up with and it was great to see those people that I did even if it was only for a short time.

My parent's house may look quaint and all the Americans LOVE it but if you're anything over 5' 7" then the ceilings and wood beams are just too low. My "bruised bonnet" is testament to this. But many thanks for my parents for allowing us to come over and stay and trash their house!

The British weather did it's best for us, with 5 days of dry weather followed by 3 days of wet stuff. Mrs P loved the coolness of it but I was much happier with the 90F temps that we've returned to since.

My Brother's wedding went well, great venue and the weather was very mild for October. They flew off to the Maldives for a on honeymoon on Sunday.

Other news: Am going to try selling my house in the UK again. I don't want or need the hassle of being a landlord and to be honest I could use the cash. Mrs P wants a new car, as her Subaru isn't big enough for the school run. She wants a Honda Pilot.
Talking about big and brash look at the size of this hotdog! And amazingly she did eat it all too.

We've got 3 busy weekends coming up. This weekend it's Biketoberfest in Daytona and I'm hoping to make it down during Saturday afternoon. Next weekend it's my birthday (when I intend to do NOTHING but I know I'll be rushing around as ever) and the weekend after is Halloween. We've not got costumes sorted yet, nor have we bought the mountains of candy needed but there are rumours of 2 Halloween parties. One for the kids and the other for the adults.