Monday, April 13, 2009

Busy as the Easter bunny

It's been superbusy around here again and last Friday was Raina's 8th Birthday. We held a family party out our house as it's now big enough that we can do that. Dinner was taco's at Raina's request. We gave her a Nintendo DSi as her main present along with Super Mario Bros as a game.

Saturday we hosted a pool party at the Community pool and over 20 kids turned up.

Sunday morning the Easter bunny had turned up and spread tons of eggs around the pond. The kids next door as well as some friend's kids from down the street.

Sunday was our turn to host Easter for the family and this time we did an Easter lunch. Sunday afternoon I lay on the sofa and watched the conclusion of the Master's golf. It was about as much as I could do after drinking Poinsetta's (champagne and cranberry juice) and white wine at lunch time. I swear that drinking during daylight hours counts double.

After all of this the house looks like a disaster zone and next weekend we're all off camping too.

Oh and I've bruised or cracked my ribs. I was larking about with kids in the yard the other weekend playing ball and I took a diving catch (think
Gordon Banks at his prime) and I landed rather awkwardly and dug my elbow into my ribs. I think I would have utter some foul language but I had the wind knocked out of me and couldn't breathe.