Sunday, March 29, 2009

March in a nutshell

Apologies for not posting sooner but it's been a VERY busy time. Firstly my parents flew out for a week to see us and more importantly their first grandchild. They stayed in a wonderful condo just a couple of blocks away that overlooked the ocean. They were treated to some wonderful weather while they were here and had a great time with baby C. Mrs P's uncle and his family also came over from Texas for the weekend and so we all spent a fair bit of time together. We ate and drank like kings and queens and Grammy and Walter entertained the entire troop (all 14 of us) tirelessly.

Granddad enjoys a cuddle

and Nana has a little chat with Charlotte

While everyone was here the space shuttle Discovery launched from the space center and we all went down to the beach to watch it. Mrs P was most surprised at the number of people there too as she was expecting us to be the only sad losers watching.

Secondly we've moved house. We've not heard anything from the bank about the one we're trying to buy but we've moved into a PHAT house in the same neighborhood. It's a 4 bed 2 1/2 bath that has a big bonus playroom for the kids. We moved ourselves with tons of help from several friends without whom the job would have taken more than the 4 hours it did.

Thirdly we've closed Mrs P's house and so there's no going back now. Mrs P and Raina were understandably nervous and not sure the new house was them. To be honest the first few dasy were tough as we had boxes everywhere and nothing was unpacked and it felt like a house and not a home. However this weekend we'vw managed to sort a ton of stuff out and everyone is happy again.

Lastly we've had no landline or more importantly internet access from home but all that has been fixed. That's the orange flags you can see in the picture of the front of the house

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Wish I could sleep this well

Well firstly Baby Charlotte is doing great with tons of eating sleeping and crying in that order!. She's gained weight and is now a 9lb baby.

On the house front our threat of legal recourse appears to have paid off and the seller has withdrawn the second offer. These buyer's are apparently interested in another house and have withdrawn completely, so our offer alone has gone to the lender.

In the mean time we've found a place to rent for 3 months in the same subdivision as we're trying to buy and it's a few doors along from one of Mrs P's friends. We're taking possession on 20 May and moving in the next day. We've got boxes and boxes of stuff packed up in readiness and it's all stacked in the hallway making it difficult to get around. We sure do need a bigger house.

STOP PRESS: After 5 weeks of waiting we heard back from the lender late friday afternoon. They countered our offer and so we've gone back to them again. They gave us a totally unrealistic deadline to reply to them of the end of the business day and only told us this at 4 pm. It was panic stations here while we worked out what to do. We hope to hear more on Monday