Wednesday, January 7, 2009


The Beast is back! The new fan turned up today but once again it had been damaged in transit. This time it was only a small piece that had broken off so I accepted it and brought it home. Stuck it on the car and got nothing, a big fat nothing. Car started fine and the temperature gauge gradually rose and rose and rose but the fan didn't kick in. I checked the fuse box and the 60 amp fuse had blown so a quick trip to the auto store for a new one and now everything's working fine.

Can't wait to drive it to work tomorrow

Sunday, January 4, 2009

That's it for another year

It was kind of odd taking the Christmas decorations down today as the weather here at the moment is fantastic, upper 70s and sunshine all day. It so doesn't feel like Christmas at all but more like summer is just around the corner.

We had a new bed delivered yesterday and it's massive being a full 16 inches wider than a UK king size!! Mind you I still only get the same amount of room (on the edge of the bed) to sleep in as Mrs P has collared the rest.

The Beast is still out of action and the part is due in between 6th and 9th January. It's now started leaking transmission fluid where it's been sat idle for the past 3 weeks so once the fan arrives I'll set about getting a new gasket and filter set.

We're down to the last few weeks now before baby arrives and picked up a bargain of a mattress for the crib. Originally priced at $110 and then marked down to $76 in the sale, we picked up a new Sealy mattress for $54 at the checkout.

I must get on and finish my bike and get it back out on the road, it's fair to say that I've got my "winter insulation" on at the moment having gained 6lbs. I blame Mrs P as she's the one that has ice cream every night and when I'm fetching her's I might as well get myself a bowl too.